Wednesday, November 28, 2007

i'm just so bored from the geog assignment,.. gosh.. and i see tht the class blog is dying...
well.. here's some more blogthings from

Your Intrapersonal Intelligence Score: 67%

Your Intrapersonal Intelligence is High

You have a great understanding of who you are, and your place in the world.
You know what path you're on. And you are excited about your future.
You're always deepening your inner knowledge and introspection. And enjoying it every step of the way.
How Does Your Intrapersonal Intelligence Rate?

Your Interpersonal Intelligence Score: 63%

Your Interpersonal Intelligence is High

You are definitely a "people person." You enjoy spending time with others.
You instinctively understand people, and you are both a good counsellor and mediator.
However, there are definitely times when you've had enough. And that's when you cherish being alone.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

got these pictures from nicky after last thursday when we had seoul buffet there.. i was feeling very feverish, but nevermind,i still turned up... who knew that i vomitted everything out after hope i didn't screwed tt day up..

well, here's a outline of how the orientation camp went out like..
1st day: ice breakers.. literally breaking a block of ice witha shirt frozen in it..
TMP @night... i was game ic and did a very make shift one... but TMP went on quite smoothly.

2nd day: MMM.. my group started off last since we were to go tampines. a lot of problems occured and concludes that this MMM wasn't successful.

3rd day: WnWild.. more funny stuff happened, like bursting a water bomb that u planned to use on others onto urself. (sounds confusing?)

haha.. and ya, yesterday was training, but i went to east coast cage to play in the morning.

then was training. blah.. shagged at the start.. esp possesion futball.. crap..
only felt that i played better during the training game.. at left back.. but i banged into gerald.. lol..
well, gtg tamp and pass my pe t-shirt to benjamin for printing.. jersey sia!..

Your Holiday Stress Level is Moderate

The holidays sometimes stress you out, but mostly because they wear you down.
Take it easy! You can have a fun holiday without running yourself ragged.

You're a little weird, but you'd be even weirder if you didn't have a few quirks.
You are just strange enough to know it, but nobody else seems to notice your weirdness.
That's because, deep down, everyone is a little freaky!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

well, it's been really a while since i last updated.
the orientation group leaders training camp (OGL training camp) 3days ago.. was fun. managed to have fun and know my OG's OGLs better, and also other ogls.
i had a slight fever plus headache going on then, and it would have been sorry if i had chosen to pon..
first, kudos to councillors, tas,house comms, for everything.. haha,
second, MMM suxs...
lastly, lights out suxs..
FINALLY, BATMAN.. haha..(only some ppl shud know.)

Group 2 OGLs... Hurray Tokyo drift

More grp 2 OGLs

its troublesome to type now, but i'll do it some other to homework.. tmr's training again..

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

sigh,this week has been super duperboring... blogthings again,

You've Changed 48% in 10 Years

You've done a good job changing with the times, but deep down, you're still the same person.
You're clothes, job, and friends may have changed some - but it hasn't changed you.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

well, finally feeling much better. had a tough time previously. on saturday, had training in the morning, the sun was like wow, scorching,... then after was gym...
then went on to the BN chalet...celebrated joanna's birthday, chatted, had fun...

and i went home to have

i really want to find out what i did wrongly then... and i wanna have a 07S210 class outing..

a new blogskin? i dunno..,

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

early in the morning its already so boring... blogthings again...

Your Power Bird is an Eagle

You are spiritual and able to soar to great heights.
You are a true inspiration, and many people look to you for guidance.
And you are quite demanding in relationships... but you're worth it.
People know that you will become even greater than you imagine.
What's Your Power Bird?

Your Dominant Thinking Style: Visioning

You are very insightful and tend to make decisions based on your insights.
You focus on how things should be - even if you haven't worked out the details.

An idealist, thinking of the future helps you guide your path.
You tend to give others long-term direction and momentum.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

lol... blogthings again.. spamming them..

You Can Change Your Life, But It Won't Be Easy

You really, truly want to change. You're just not sure that you can do it.
You need a solid plan, supportive friends, and a strong will.
Think about times you've made hard changes, and what you did to get through them.
A change is in your future - you just need a little help getting started.
Can You Change Your Life?

You Are A Fun Friend

You're the one who keeps your group laughing
And you've always got an idea for something fun to do
The party's not complete without you
And you wouldn't miss it for the world

You Are a Zombie

You're a pretty apathetic person, and you often feel like you're sleep walking through life.
You don't necessarily have a case of the "blues", but you do have a case of the "blahs."
It's hard for you to snap out of your boring every day routine. You're a bit burned out.
The only thing you crave is the company of others. But you're not too nice to the people who do hang around you.

Your greatest power: Your lack of a normal conscience

Your greatest weakness: Your lack of most emotions

You play well with: Aliens

Your Mood is a 4

You're feeling a little down, but not totally bummed out. Your mood is on the low side of average.
random..: fried fish soup + rice.. woohoo.. random.. LOL

Today my brother was leaving for China, Xia men, i think so.. along with his sec sch.. wanted to send him off, but oh, nvm...
went with Yin zhi to explore the Newly Opened TERMINAL 3!
the layout of the place was very nice, xcept that the shops aren't available till 9 Jan 08.. quite a waste of time if to go there now, cuz the only thing to do there is to perhaps pay abt $3 or more and be guided into the departure hall, forbidden areas, etc, by the tourguide.. (and i saw one policeman acting as the tourguide too.. so desperate sia..)
Only managed to take a few, well, only 3 pictures of the place,
this wall (above) was awesome


yin zhi called these black carrots.. -,-

as we found out that to our dismay, there was nth available at T3, we made our way back to T1, T2 b4 settling our lunch at POPEYE'S.
i brought along chinese chess just in case of boredom and the two of us, basically just played at POPEYE'S.. haha.. super random ok.. and i lost 2 times in a row.. all the pao and che's fault..

then, received call from duck.. and we made our way to tampines to the SAFRA gym. Yes, gym.. never guessed that i finally made my way to a gym, after saying so many times that i want to train..
Neh- Randy
Duck- Kwek
Lao Gao- Yin zhi
Pork- Nicky,
and me.. haha... spent our time in the gym. it was very fruitful as i learnt a lot from them and did a lot of exercises too.

it was funny seeing randy trying to exercise and resist temptations from food.. and nic and randy are always .. haha..

well, left with duck on bus 31, sry yin zhi... wanted to take bus 31...
then me n duck were reminiscing of the past... and became engrossed in it, almost become too emo...
thks duck for lending me money to buy the running shoe...

Sunday, November 11, 2007

What Your Handwriting Says About You

You are sometimes a very energetic person, but you are sometimes quite lethargic. You're moody, prone to ups and downs, and you don't have a lot of endurance.

You range from very outgoing to very shy. You are a shapeshifter who is very versatile. You adapt well, and you look at things from many angles.

You are balanced and grounded. You know how to get along well with others.

You don't a lot of space, and you prefer to spend time with others. You are a little nosy and intrusive. You sometimes don't give people enough space.

You are conservative, old fashioned, and a little stubborn. You are resistant to change.

You are a poor communicator. No one really knows exactly what you're getting at.
What Does Your Handwriting Say About You?

lol, haven't been blogging for only a while.. here's an update on my life..

  1. going to work on 10 Dec onwards
  2. orientation 08
  3. training, training and more training
  4. gym work also
  5. revision (toughest lot of all)
  6. goin for da 21km run in standard chartered. (ty duck -,-)
  7. tidying up fragments of my life.
well, i'rather moody these few days, not wanting to talk at all.. lol.
*yawn... super demoralised..
ya, well, at least, this is one more post..
signing off..

Thursday, November 8, 2007

well, haven't been blogging for quite a while..

PW was finally over on wednesday with the finale of the GPF (could see some reluctantance in some ppl's eyes while closing tt file). the process was tough but, yay, its finally ended.

after tt day, i shud hav made a better choice.. haha.. ya, xin wei,.. shud have came along.. practically a waste of my time tt day...

now, my legs are suffering from excess workout.. overburnt.. and tmr's training. managed to start on maclaurin's lecture..
haven't been on msn for a day.. lol.. -,-

and i've got training plus the CIP tmr.

ya, i've gotta arrange the class outing to sentosa... or somewhere else.. lol.. grr... now, the hols are so boring when it finally arrives. i am just so complicated.. ppl complain for hols to quicken and complain for it to go away fast.. IRONIC.
well, i've promised to finish the shows i've been at and i will.. haha.. anyway, the show's great.. haah..

lol.. gtg sleep and speed up the recovery of my eyes.. wish me luck. ya.. i'm, running in the standard chartered, all thanks to duck and his leg.. i guess his leg will need a lot more time to heal...
grr.. and the class blog's rotting... HELP!! -_-'''

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

today was I&R review day. met in sch at 11am..

after that, we went to pizzahut at TM, with MRS tng!!. she drove some of us there and the rest made our way there.

waited a while b4 they got us 12seats.
from there, there were many funny incidents, like
- shiying mistaken mrs tng's soup for hers.
- mrs tng also know abt the weichong meiqi thingy
- ting xuan trying best to cook up jokes.
-OF COURSE, the story of Mrs tng's school life.. RMB the sikh that scratched his beard and blah blah.. ROFL.. =)

then, left with nicky and ting xuan to sch for training..
training sux... fabio was always complaining.
me, samuel and fami were punished to run 5 laps.. hahaz. i stil feel i did nth wrong, so did them..
then we played a match.. i was left-back. i felt i was able to hold off the right wing's challenge most of the time.. hahaz
and there was this funny thing. i tried clearing the ball.. the clearance was alright, but my boot went flying off my leg.. so ANTI-CLImax..-,-

Fabio today so emo.. talked to everyone , drilling in the winning mentality in everyone.. but still, he needs eng lessons haha =)
well, i've gotta rush my I&R for tmr.. tmr's the submission of PW and PW no more.!!! =)

Sunday, November 4, 2007

yesterday was the sending-off of eileen.

met up with 210s at city hall at 1pm. below is a brief outline of what we did and what happened: (PW style !!)

  • cheryl came by and passed us her present to eileen b4 leaving with her family.
  • shat yin and kristin arrived next, and went to buy a cake plus present
  • zhang chuan came next
  • then was siti and adeyln, who bought a wallet.
  • Weichong, meiqi came along and went to buy present
after that, eileen came along and we left for marina square. Ate at marina food loft.
as eileen left home, the rest of us went abt marina square, waiting for others to join up with us.

then, the rest of us went to the arcade and played. the gals played the "Jungle" game.. -_-'''
we were sort of bored off.. then siti and zc had to go off also.. [Happy birthday to ZC's brother! =) ]

so weichong n meiqi left to buy a present, then the rest of us went off to explore marina.
after less than 30 minutes, they were saying that they were tired, so sat down in front of John Little to rest.
then they wanted to see the airplanes at the airport first... so met up with xinwei.

when we reached, then we went to had swensens (scoops of ice cream)..
roamed abt the airport before having dinner at popeyes. josh came along also.

we were so glued to the Popeye cartoon there.. Hahazz..
then we went to the check-in point to find eileen.
there were many .. erm.. hahaz..
they lighted the cake and began to sing the bday song.. hahaz.
ya, and afterthat,with some byebyes, we finally called it a day.. hahaz.

dunno whether today need follow-up at the doc's.. tmr still got training...
i'll get more pictures b4 i upload at class blog..

Saturday, November 3, 2007

today was just so dramatic.. i got whacked by the ball during training on thu. i thought it was just plain bruising and tt's all. when i woke up this morning, i was frightened. pitch black. i could not see with my right eye. the fear was that it might spread on to my other eye. i called for help.

thks aunt. i was brought to their family doc. it was then after a few shines of the torchlight before he said. "no bleeding within the eye" phew, i said to myself. tt would be the wors scenario. then, he continured to say that the pupil in my eye (the black dot in ur eye) was greatly impacted, resulting in the weakening of the muscle around the pupil. this causes the reaction of the pupil to be slower than usual. it also explained y my head was spining when i looked out of the mrt. and by looking at bright lights, or bright spots, it will make me have a sharp pain in my head as the muscle were tensed up after the hit.
then, i got an anaesthetic needle before some disinfection thingy was poured on my eye.
now, i'll have to cut down on sports.. i tried to play soccer in cchms..
i lost my reaction speed..
i lost my strength...
my speed..

meanwhile, i need a shoulder... i need a listening ear....
am i such a failure in my life?

Friday, November 2, 2007

well, finally found some time to update..
time flies.. really.
OP finished... among the 3 grps tt were in the same grp, perhaps mine or me was not very good. well, like some may say, "its over le" so dun fret le.. =)
and its already been the second soccer training for me n nicky. got hit in the eye during a game. and now my right eye feels so weird. feels like the tears are uncontrollable. and my nose is running too.. (running away from me haha.. -_-''')

well, i just received news that eileen will be leaving for india this sunday with a high chance that she will not be coming back. well, i'm gonna plan out a class-outing for the class to celebrate her bday and also a formal sending off.

Thought OP over, but here comes more.. I&R, hols work, revision, orientation, and etc.