Tuesday, March 3, 2009

2nd week of work already. everything seems to be blur... cuz they all look the same. Fancy looking at a list of 1300+ names a day.. argh...
getting boring already. plus lunch is so bored also. and i dun have a window seat!

went out for dinner with 07s210 some ppl.. tt's all.

went to meet up with ahno n lawl..

went to watch league cup final (or is it athletic madrid VS barca?) at duck's place.

simply bored..

Me: "harlo, is this Mr A?"
Mr A: "ya, i'm Mr A"
Me: "good morning.... blah blah blah"
"blah blah blah..."
"thks Mr A B C for your time."
Mr A: "Huh? i am Mr A B D!!"
Me: " lols.. -_-"' "

argh.. feel like a loser... darn it.. geez..

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