Thursday, June 12, 2008

went for my medical check-up today. i was late. superlate in fact. supposed to meet guang wei at 7.30am and i ended up meeting him at 8.30am. lol. and i received 22 missed calls as a result, since he waited at the bus stop since 7.30. lol. really sry arh XD

had breakfast at the coffeeshop near my house before going to CMPB. yes it is CMPB a.k.a. Central ManPower Base.

two idiots looking high and low at Redhill MRT station for how to go there. took a cab in the end, only to realise our suspicions were right. we could have boarded the bus we saw. lol.

then i saw quite a lot of familar faces. including the ppl from mr chong other class, guy from tao nan camp, shikun, kenneth (npcc) and Kentat... lol. chicken checkup for bird flu arh hahaha XD jkjk.

basically the whole test took up approx 4-5hours. lol. and the last part looked like a lan shop haha.

i was actually referred as PES A. Note: PES does not stand for Pro Evolution Soccer. =)
meaning i am alright and cleared for NS. but i a bit reluctant to accept la. so i extra, tell the doctor, my knee pain arh.. then i got referred to x-ray and after all that...

I AM IN PES D.... omg.. means that i'll have to make another trip back again for the "investigation" of the knee cap. haha.. so suspense. sian.. my big mouth. lucky i havent say anything about my "cold" touch. haha.. they'll probably cast me as a test subject, and before i know it, i'll probably end up in a beaker, sealed up. hahah scary.

nah.. that was kinda crappy. but yeah, PES D. *sighs*

so met yinzhi back at leisure park where he was studying like he was floating, in the air... leaning against the window like some shagged guy who just back from 4 hrs of medical check-up. haha.
then three of us went to shoot hoops in the arcade. basketball sia... not my stuff.. and i am proud to say i managed to obtain a unconvincing 58% accuracy. hehehe *grins* compared to their 51% and lesser %. well.. istill lost on points cuz i took my own sweet time to shoot. hahaha. that'll explain the high accuracy.

back home, tired. gonna find out tmr when to get back for my follow-up. ARGH...

and guangwei lost his wallet for the 3rd time in this year. lol. he juz bought his $40 wallet this week. hahaha. to think that while his wallet laid below the chair he sat, it was a surprise that everyone bypassed it. and definitely did not pocket it. thus, technically, he lost his wallet twice only. OMG... super lucky for a kinda bad day. haha.

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