Sunday, June 1, 2008

1day after being back from the NTU bike rally 08. man, my butt still hurts.

went to duck's house on saturday with guo hao and weihan. played xbox 360 for the whole time... until like 3am... lol.. ended up lying down to sleep. after lying down, u have to wake up, cuz we had to wake up at 4am. lol.

yup. i didnt expect the rally to be sooo tough. 128km. fine. bicycle. thanks.
so 4 of us cabbed off to east coast and met up with the rest. their names are, erm.. i think is HongHao, Gabriel, Chuen Hwee, Amos, and Xin wei.

Arriving there at 5.30am didnt brought us any benefits. fine. no one else was there. lol. and i really mean it. literally NO ONE. wad the. then people eating bananas, grumbling about the one who suggested this time to meet. then we went off to register nonetheless. 001 to 007, 013, 014 were our numbers. sian, if xin wei was earlier, then i could have gotten 009. lol.. nvm.

the 1st checkpoint was from east coast lagoon food centre area to labrador park. OMG. a freaking distance of approximately 23km. heard them saying. in any case, though they said it was the longest checkpoint, we weren't so worn up since it was our 1st checkpoint. yup. and who knows how long we took to end up there. had a rest there, before the next checkpoint.

2nd Checkpoint: NTU S&R centre.
i am not sure of the exact distance and location, but i recalled passing jurong. lol. when we reached there, we almost had to abandon one of us because he was still behind. thankfully, he reached in the nick of time.

3rd Checkpoint: Kranji Reservoir Carpark B
should understood the distance. fine. this is also the point when i started to feel a pain in my left shoulder, and my butt also. lol. endure, endure, endure. hahahz. ate some rasin buns and set off.

4th Checkpoint: Yishun Stadium
omg. u wouldn't want to try cycling beside cars that are going at who-knows-why-so-fast speeds. scary!. lol. ended up at Yishun Stadium unscathed. thankfully. this point, i think, 1 of us already ended up in the ambulance, after he cramped up at Katib. lol. and he only had to cycle the last checkpoint back. XD. also, the whole group decided to split into groups of 2, so that 1 can spur the other 1. =)

5th Checkpoint: Serangoon Secondary School
lol. another checkpoint. the butt already feel likes melting already. saw people playing soccer there. sian. nvm. waited for a while and decided to leave quick, dun wan to end up as the last few. and i did a very retarded thing. the raisin bread, i wanted to open it. so i pulled the sides of the plastic. then the raisin bun just ejected from the bag and flew off. haha.. in a parabolic path, i guess. =)

6th Checkpoint: Changi Beach Carpark 6
lol. when i heard people saying Changi Village, i was super relieved, then not. it was sort of the "end" of the Changi Village. Changi Village seemed to go on forever. XD

Finish Point: EAST COAST PARK apprx 17km.
olei. 17km more. i told myself. sure can-not make it one. hahahz. no la. kidding. rested a while before leaving with honghao to finish the rally. all throughout the rally, i didnt cramped or fell or wadeva. then while reaching the finishing line, got one girl started left-right-left-right her bike. then i turn away, and my left leg just cramped. off the pedal, the cramp kinda stopped, then i pedal and cramp!!! argh.. then i dropped my bike. and my bike chain also came off. Argh.. Worse comes after bad. lol then got deep heat on my calf before proceeding to the finishing point.

LUCKY DRAW: the emcee was hilarous, and weihan won himself a Timex watch worth $100+/- with 88 or 87? push ups in 1 minute. OMG. lol. pro. kill me. i still can't do it. XD
then did u know that this event is also sponsored by CRUMPLER. yes. the bag. so there were lots of crumplers given out, each worth $250. lol. a pity none of us won at all.

here are some retarded things that i happened to see or do.
- while cycling, a taxi went passed, then the left front tyre went psst ->tyre punctured. =)
- got one guy cycle with his gf, then tok tok tok, then tumbled onto the roadside. lol
- got people wear the like motorcycle helmet cycling the bikes. XD like anti-terroists.
-got people ate a total of like 14/15 raisin buns throughout the whole rally. Me and Chuen Hwee
-Got people end up cycling 100km and he got the FINISHER T-SHIRT !! ARGH . Guo Huo
-Got people suddenly start eating like he was possessed by his good fren. Jun Hong.
-Got people still very much attached to Pre-U sem, after bidding goodbye to us, he went to the beach, and people asked, does he live in the waters? i said, yup. he is the little mermaid. hahah . XIn wei.
-Have u ever seen anyone tasted Deep Heat Rub Cream? i have. Hong Hao.
hahah this is the Deep Heat Rub Cream, and in case anyone doesnt knows and wants to try tasting also. XD, this is one for sprains and others, yup, basically, its not meant for consumption, and it ain't nice consuming it. XD

yup.. and the rally also has some lame things.
while cycling, u have to look out for the papers indicating the directions.
however, some of this were like "count the number of lampposts",
"lost count? you have just past 10 lampposts." super cold..

lol. back to rest a while before i start to study.

and gerald, in case u are reading, can u msn me? i need my handphone charger back and quick!! thanks XD

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