Saturday, June 28, 2008

some random pictures.. pretty much outdated.
here's a quick rundown of the mid years so far.

GP: ok-ok. and i really don't know how to go on from here. =)

Geog: erm, yup. we were given clues for the 9m essay question. but, ya.. how about the 16m one? die. wad's the point if you can score the 9m part a) and then u fumbled up the 16m part b) by crapping through. lol. and so much for limestone. limestones disappeared from the script!!

Physics: by now, quite a number should know wad happen to my physics. when i get back my results, it really doesn't say the full picture. because i was late for my PAPER3!!! lol. i woke up at 8am when ppl started writing at 8am.

only reached school at 9am. then the side gate was locked. so i walked about 10mins into the front gate. lol. and there was no extra time for the 2hr paper that i had to finish in 20-30 minutes. lol. i didnt even know how much pages or questions there were in the paper.
paper 1 was harder than paper 2. but either way, together with paper 3, its gone.

Chem: paper 3 is really quite do-able. but i was seriously much careless. haix. enuff said. there's still paper 1/2 to go.

Maths : paper 1 is disastrous. couldnt finish the paper. now got stats to study.

lol. my only regret is waking up late for the physics paper. imagine everyone looking at you when u are soo late. some even joked: " u soo confident, now then come ?" hahaha.. lol

and i broke my alltime record: i had 3 redbulls +4 cups of coffee in one night. Beat that!!

back to stats. ..

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