Sunday, January 18, 2009

juz reached home from work.. and its already past 12 midnight...
cabbed home together with my supervisor who stays at toa payoh, luckily, or i'll have to take a cab myself...

meanwhile.. i;ve been working for 2weeks le.. tomorrow marks my last day at work..
so will it mean i'll start on a new job.. (haven find yet...)

so.. this post is to commemorate those who have helped me thru thus far...
much thanks to.. not according to how much u've helped, but according to how well i rmb u..

Steven (supervisor): always there for me.. even when he's pooing in the toilet.. i called him this once when i had a problem and he told me he was poo-ing.. OMG.. but he still continue to talk and teach me solutions. haha.. His philosophy in work is simple, "Not Busy?, Act Busy"

Lance (another supervisor): this guy first day see him like i owe him $$ forget return him.. the face always black black one.. but stills helps whenever i'm in trouble. but still shows the Wah-lao-mistake-again-then-let-me-clean-up-for-u face.. Thks a lot..

Adrain (temp? perm? staff): Also known as Ah Siao (siao as in crazy), this guy has a kind of weird personality and when i mean weird, i really mean weird
see examples..
1. u are busy, real busy... u see him shopping for his own clothes.. and he shouts with reason," i shoppin for CNY la.. shutup haha"
2. he ask the shopper "do you have the store card?, discount card?, MRT CARD?@!#!@$#@%"
3. he packs the items into the bags for the shoppers and starts singing chinese new year songs to the customers... u feel totally ashamed to be beside...
many more la.. but i tired already.. tmr still nid work..

Shanti (perm staff tt stays at Northpoint): i call her the indian lady.. haha no offence cuz got a lot ppl.. so hard to rmb.. but she's a super nice lady.. always help out when i'm in need (4th person i mentioned tt helped me cuz i in need ^^) too bad she was posted to plaza sing halfway thru my roster and will only be back on 21st.. the only memorable thing abt her was her playin hide-n-seek with Adrain... this shows tt kids arent the only childish ppl.. if they are childish, then these two adults are juz plain foolish! hehe

actually got many others, so i'll juz list down their names, (some of these names i dont know, since i normally call them by their brand that they promote -->most of them are promoters)
- Wen Qian? or Qian Wen? or Janice? dont know also.. (temp staff from SRJC)
-Gena? isit? extra from other dept (children? household?) come to menswear..(temp staff.. O'level)
- Josiah (temp staff from AJC band)
- Bryan( temp staff with 30 L1R5? half-malay, half-chinese)?
- Brian (perm staff from philipines who carries a converse sling bag imprinted with the chinese words"CHINA"?)
- Auntie RENOMA (promoter for renoma mens undergarment)
- Auntie Montagut (promoter for montagut who keeps harpin abt her son in NS everyday drink soft drink)
- Auntie GLENN (promoter for GLENN with a mole on her face ^^)
- MS MANHATTAN, ALAIN DELON, etc.. (super quiet person always)
- AUNTIE VALENTINO (hair curly curly one..)

and many thanks to those who've helped me along the way, one way, two ways, three ways or any other,

and many go-and-die to those who screwed me along the way, by ignoring me when u see me... even though i saw u n maybe u saw me.. u juz simply ignore me and walk off.. surely taught me on another perspective on friends or classmates if i were to narrow down who this person is..
thanks arh with many sarcasms.. u noe who u are... classmate.. pui...

i've definitely learnt a lot, and grown a lot with my understanding of the ways of life, and working.. and i am proud to say,



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