Thursday, January 29, 2009

Happy Belated CNY.. (its still in the CNY period...)
this year is definitely a super toned-down CNY, not helped much either by the on-going super recession.

disappointed with my relatives as they have avoided going to my grandma''s place for reunion dinner, by going overseas (common stuff)
or like this:

grandma: Aren't you staying for dinner?
super bad relatives: Nah, i've havent cook dinner yet, gonna go home cook dinner for the kids.

Understand the meaning? nope?
cannot stay for dinner? why? cuz u nid to go home cook dinner? Bi*t**

sry for the language.. super irritating folks, yet i muz act smile at them.. hehehe bleh

played ball with cchms ppl, meeting ppl whom i would only expect to meet them on facebook (haha), cuz very long nvr meet liao.. and also ppl goin in NS...
die, now already very scared le... by april 24th, nobody left to go NS, then only me left... argh...

went for rbs interview today @commonwealth and met duck to go shopping for bermudas n my working outfits..
i bought some super gayish socks.. orange, green, blue...^^

got some big big (i mean big) blisters on the sole of my feet, and i fell awkardly on my right leg when playin soccer le, so dun ask me if u see me limping... haha..

work starts tomorrow,
start work tomorrow.
tomorrow start work.
work tomorrow start.

okok... enuff.. alr..

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