Thursday, July 10, 2008

funny moments in class... rare and hard to find..
so shall post it here...

compass lesson today. "marriage checklist"...
someone had nearly the same priorities as Mr Tee.. our old old tutor.. hahaha... and some guy had FINANCIAL STABILITY of his other half as the most important thing. lol.. kena teased that he leech his other half.. in future.. so no strange seeing him in coffeeshop drinking kopi.. =P

and the funny part was he had the same thoughts as our tutor.
1. Good Looks are least important because u always see the same face. no different. =D
2. Romance also not important because in future, after marriage.. still need romance? lol.
3. Sense of Humor also.


1. Emotional Stability very important as u wouldn't want ur other half siao siao (crazy) one, then always complain want to jump down... not down the stairs.. but.. erm herm.. yup.. jump down.. and zz....
2. Sound Character also.. like the one guy who put Looks as least important said "i only after inner beauty.." sure or not.. were the teases made.
3. similar beliefs also.

maybe they wont even read this.. but really glad to have been in the same class as them and hope they would just smile more often. :)
ENjoy this SpeCIAl DaY!

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