Thursday, July 31, 2008

having throat infection.. and the doctor thinks it might be a dengue fever..
arh... bored staying at home...

Sunday, July 27, 2008

its been 3 days without psp...

-studied at national library on sat. Probably my most effective study-out tries...

slacking... at home now.. finished my pla-card for photoshoot...

i really dun get it... just a placard..

do i really have to remind...?
even if u dun care... just do it for the sake of doing la...
imagine if i didnt even call to remind...
tmr's photoshoot will be a screwed.

life sucks..

Thursday, July 24, 2008

the day i passed my psp to my CT.

its now or never...
my classmate.. a rather nonsense reason... got his confiscated during lesson.
WAD WAS HE PLAYING?... u'll never expect this...


lol... then i got this idea.. ask CT help me keep..
FULL GEAR.... vA Va vRoOM...

and yup.. i'm still sad.. but i'm not in denial.. i SUX haha

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Reflections of a LoSeR

had to stay home and rest due to a burnout. yep. literally worn out.
i had to speak to a counselor again. found out that i had compulsive dont-want-to-sleep problem.
then chat for 2hrs on this. took an early leave form saying i got headache (think is becuz of the chat =))

so went home.. did nothing and forced myself to sleep. i remembered what the counselor said.
"Your body is in deficit. You are trading off your sleep to study more. But you cannot retain the memory"

i felt screwed. totally. and i have been doing the same thing. the same studying methods all this while. and it was deemed MADNESS which also means doing something that you know is not helping you but you just keep doing it.

so i slept till 9am. then packed my notes to send it for binding. $30 + spent all on binding.. LOL..
and i'm already very tired.. looks like i havent paid off my sleeping debts yet.. :)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Plate Tectonics Theory

The Plate Tectonic Theory, which encompasses and supersedes the Continental Drift Theory, became
increasingly accepted from the 1960s onwards. With improvements in scientific techniques, more convincing
evidences were proposed and proven and this led to widespread acceptance.
The theory proposes that the Earth’s crust is comprised of a number of tectonic plates. It is the movement of
these plates that causes global changes in terms of the creation and destruction of landforms.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

"did you study?"
the teachers keep asking this...

and my class is not a class
classmates? what?
can do without them
or should i say,
they can do without classmates

1yr. 6mths.
i'm still a loser.
is it all i am?

they say life isnt all downs.
but i'm still waiting for the ups.


Friday, July 18, 2008

if you don't like the class. Get Out.
Don't stay in the class.
If you like to go elsewhere, just go off and

Monday, July 14, 2008

going through a real rough patch,
can't seem to get anything right,

from chem lecture:

Sunday, July 13, 2008

studied during the weekends with this two lol.. one of them u can call him "law" or LOL.. like arnold said. =)

so when i started to get very bored.. i played with my psp.. i mean... together with my phone.. haha

saw arnold's blog with a picture of the day... so here's mine as well hehe

U don't need a party hat when u go out partying. LOL. :)

Friday, July 11, 2008

Chem Lecturer: "why is there a crowd over there still? ERP is it? "
explain: a number of students standing in the lecture theatre... havent sit down.. and then the lecturer blurted out this... Probably speaking from experience... i smell his pockets burning ONE BIG HOLE.. haha.. E.R.P... cold.. *shivers*

Geog Tutor writes on the script: "ur case studies are all bull!!!!"...
explain: probably afraid since there were several past case studies of tutors getting into trouble for using undesired words on student's scripts.. nice try =)

A, B, C, D, E, S, U.
which one do you have affinity to? =)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

funny moments in class... rare and hard to find..
so shall post it here...

compass lesson today. "marriage checklist"...
someone had nearly the same priorities as Mr Tee.. our old old tutor.. hahaha... and some guy had FINANCIAL STABILITY of his other half as the most important thing. lol.. kena teased that he leech his other half.. in future.. so no strange seeing him in coffeeshop drinking kopi.. =P

and the funny part was he had the same thoughts as our tutor.
1. Good Looks are least important because u always see the same face. no different. =D
2. Romance also not important because in future, after marriage.. still need romance? lol.
3. Sense of Humor also.


1. Emotional Stability very important as u wouldn't want ur other half siao siao (crazy) one, then always complain want to jump down... not down the stairs.. but.. erm herm.. yup.. jump down.. and zz....
2. Sound Character also.. like the one guy who put Looks as least important said "i only after inner beauty.." sure or not.. were the teases made.
3. similar beliefs also.

maybe they wont even read this.. but really glad to have been in the same class as them and hope they would just smile more often. :)
ENjoy this SpeCIAl DaY!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Moment of a force is the product of the force acting on the body and the perpendicular distance on the axis of rotation along the line of action of the direction of the force.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

First Ionisation Energy is the energy required to remove one mole of electrons from one mole of gaseous atoms of the element to form one mole of singly charged positive ions.

once upon a time

Monday, July 7, 2008

see some ppl really siao one..

Sunday, July 6, 2008

finished the 9.4km run today. met at outram park station with duck, dong, nicky and kentat. then took the feeder bus to the starting point. so deposit the bags and then

OOPS!!.. late again... the race for us --> green tags. already started.. LOL.
not my fault this time arh.. haha. so had to hurry up. and no point using the station's timing. lol.
the trail was quite nice except for the up and down slopes. very irritating.

and i saw a couple of MJCs.. J2s. J1 also.. CIP.. arh.. u know la..

finished the race <1hr.>


now u can buy 4D and toto legally.. hehehe.. and in case some ppl dont know y "bird" day.. he is also known as CHICKY!. cuz his name is KENTAT-KY.. hahaha.. KFC. so means today is CHICKY DAY@_@..

tmr is another day outdoors playing soccer @ cage in east coast. then probably i'll get home and pop out for a haircut. yep.. need a haircut... =)

meanwhile.. that's about it.

Friday, July 4, 2008

so long since last blogged. well this post was supposed to be on yesterday. but blogger went off.. darn. anyway, if got any suggestions, feel free to give any.. (like the one above :) )

so went geylang east library after friday school to study with arnold and yinzhi. wasnt really studying but playing psp. did some chem mcq though. and i played with my phone.

yinzhi doing his chemistry and giving a see-i-already-so-pro look. (jokin)

and they always dont mean it when they say u can't sleep in the quiet zone.

because of THIS>>>>>> hahaha..

glad to be back.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Mid Yrs
1. General Paper @ 23/6
2. Geography Paper @ 24/6
3. Chemistry Paper 3 @ 24/6
4. Mathematics Paper 1 @ 25/6
5. Physics Paper 3 @ 26/6
6. Physics Paper 1 & 2 @ 27/6
7. Mathematics Paper 2 @ 30/6
8. Chemistry Paper 1 & 2 @ 1/7