Saturday, August 25, 2007

was doing my proposal 3 on the written report, when i was too tired after i finished 4 stations of the maze.. so here i am, posting some very late pictures.. only ripped from the mjc webby those got my ltc group members one.. ltc was during june this year. it was a great experience for me, where i found out how to be a better leader.. and ya, met new frens man..

right now, i'm feeling really worried. Class fund is really running low, and so is my own funds... so how am i going to support the class fund when many ppl are complaining tt the class fund runs out fast. sometimes i realise why did i step up and decide to be a class chairperson. i garner most votes, not all votes, so i supposed it is plausible that some people dun like me.. but, really, i am doing things for the class. but people dun see the way i see.

yes, it's true that i may make mistakes, and i am open to crticising when it's due. tell me when i really make mistakes. people like josh, weichong, zc, gw, zahir.. i thank you all for doing so sometimes when i am really wrong. but other times, Josh, pls, stop the "loser" thing. it suxs to call others tt and be called tt.. i noe i'm in no position to say that cuz i also did tt to u, zc.. i really regretted it.. i won't do it anymore.

and i really appreciate how the gals in class appreciating my efforts for the class.. sometimes, i feel that meiqi - classs treasurer.. is more like our class's vice chairperson, cuz a lot of things, i won't find xw to do it.. maybe it is the confidence lacking in xw. mogu, also, THANK YOU A LOT. she's been very supportive of the class stuff. sometimes also help out, one way or another.. and ya, she understands my jokes.. so ya, a big thank you. of course, there is shi ying, ching ying, siti, shat yin, kris, cheryl whom i feel they are appreciative of the things that i do for the class.

previously, i didn't have much of an impression abt eileen.. except that she is very weird. recently, i wonder if its exam stress or wad?, tutorials she questions the tutors' work?like WTF? she ownself dun understand then she think is the tutor wrong. OMFG. wadeva. and recently, she said that she was selling files. 3 for $8/- and by buying 3, u get 8 hrs CIP. ROFL. i dun believe in that. so i didn't buy.. any way, tt files looked flimsy and easily torn. ya, she's a suspicious character...

and there's been the guy, who thinks i am stupid, useless, and sort of similar adjectives. i dun lyk him. he noes it
he doesn't lyk me too. when i came to MJC, i saw him. he was in my class. he said he wanted to run for house comm. i went along. i took part in the elections. however, both of us went out of the elections. only 10 ppl were shortlisted after the voting. i lost and i was fine. this was becuz i wasn't from 1st 3 mths, but tt guy's an OGL!!.. and he also out.. (malu) then, we heard of something confidental from the house capt. i got 12th among the nominees, and he had much lesser votes than me. he just keep on nagging that he shud have won.

then it was the class committee nomination.before,he told me that he will win the chairperson position. i said i will try n run also, but most probably won't get in. then on tt day, i was elected chairperson with highest votes. the impt thing is that tt guy had 0 votes. none at all. hilarious.
from then on... it always appear as if he as something against me, always criticing everything that i do.
(ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH) want to shout out loud.....
he is over confident with himself and thinks tt he got a lot of frens.. in fact, my class very few or none like him. same for his CCA..

tired from all tt typing esp abt someone i dislike..

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