Sunday, August 12, 2007

tired life

have been finding time to post here. but couldn't. devoted all time to class blog. finally, stayed up late to chiong all my to be due work, now its 3++ am in the morning and i'm here typing while the chill breeze sweep past me. *sneeze*

last weekend was rather eventful, went for mr chong's wedding, at the joo chiat gospel church, my 1st time, together with the 07S210, the only CG in MJC to be invited. Even ms L** also not invited, (hmm..) So honoured... =)
national day itself was another story, i hate crowded places, really. if i had only rmb, that marina was infested with SGs.. i would have heeded the rest of their advice-go katong, parkway, somewhere peaceful and tranquil.

right now, i'm really scared to approach the soccer teacher for a place in the recrea team.. but then again, nic's already there, so wad's there to be scared of?
will try my best..

realised tt there's is sort of a relationship problem in class... this dinosaur is infatuated with a gal... but then, he suddenly feels that she might have other suitors, so recently, he began to avoid her and now he's in a dilemna. anyway, i dun care.. so.. ya, juz thought tt was pretty unusual. unusual in my boring life...

Fun festique is coming right up, along with NAPFA.. just pray tt i can go pass both.. muz play well in the soccer inter house.. but, i just afraid i nervous when ppl see me play. afterall, i always screwed up when i playing in front of ppl who r watching.. match temperament, i'm lacking of it..

*yawn*.. 3.36am better get some sleep before dawn breaks.. otherwise i might be sleeping for lectures... great

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