Tuesday, October 13, 2009

6 days in the hospital

it all started off on two Thursdays ago. i felt numbness on the right side of my body while standing during parade in the m0rning. i didn't felt it warranted a checkup and ignored the signals from my body.

On last Monday, the same thing happened to me. i decided that i should inform my superiors and i was advised to report sick about this issue. On Tuesday, i reported sick again. i was taken lightly and case was closed. Wednesday, nothing happened. Thursday, i collapsed during parade in the morning after i couldn't feel my right side of the body. My right eye kept flinching. it took me about 15 mins before i felt myself. Paramedics arrived. I was rushed to the medical center n before i knew it, i was referred to A & E.

in the hospital, i was initially admitted into the ASU also known as Acute Stroke Unit. i probably broke their records being the youngest to admit. subsequently, lots of tests were run on me and i was kept under observation, like a lab rat, i guess. haha.

tests i took include the CT scan, MRI scan, X-ray, heart scan, ultrasound, and i wore a apparatus that monitored my heart rate for a day.

staying inside the hospital certainly brought me to an eye-opener, with all sorts of people. at one juncture, i thought to myself, looking at the old people around me... "what will happen to me once i grow old like them?" "Left here by myself?, ". one tends to lets their thoughts run wild when they are alone, real bored.

everyday, even though i may not show it, but i was longing for visits from my peers, parents and good friends. no matter whom it may be, i wanted a companion to talk to, to feel at ease..
well, here's a thanks and much more gratitude to those who have visited or helped me one way or another along this way. Big Thanks.

yup, i do appreciate life better now. but my leg's still numb.
and the conclusion drawn from my nearly-one-week stay is that -->
there is no conclusion yet about my problem. still have pending visits to the neurologists and orthopedician later on..

Thanks to those who cared, because i care. =D

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