Monday, June 15, 2009

... ... ...

Today started bad. Woke up late. Couldn't go to sch to collect my certificate and SGC.. =( Had to meet gerald straight away at kallang to go CAGE...

shan't elaborate bout the game.. but my ankle is SWELLING!!... from all tt kicking. and my toes blue black also. Studs stepping on my feet... OUCH..
super careless to turn back and get stepped..

wanted to go tan tock seng see my grandma today.. but my mum insist me n my siblings stay home.. cuz risk H1N1... lol..nvm, when my grandma come back again then go visit her.

and stayed home today. still reading my angels and demons... but completing soon.
and this friday. POSTING results.

and i actually tripped while walking back home.. oops. lol. sighs.

today feels weird. weird?

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