Friday, May 29, 2009

5th week in bmt over.
what a long week.
booked in on saturday.
booked out today.

its only 9 more days to end of BMT... but i feel so worn out by my section... if not, by those can't-be-bothered ones in my section.

i totally agree with my sergeant who says that at the end of your BMT, "What have you really contributed to your platoon/section? and What have you really gained from BMT?"
even as i feel unmotivated to talk to my section, its not right for me to leave them alone, so...
i really hope that they'll do something about it, instead of procrastinating all the time.

BMT is not as tough as it seems.. just that we get punished for the attitude and lax mentality we displayed as a platoon. PES C doesn't mean you can just rot through this few weeks. Make full use of this time to find your potential.

sry, just grumbling like an old man... nid to get this off my back... super fed up with them.

and i'm gonna POC (Passing-Out-Ceremony) soon le.....
and i found out i've a tibial nerve injury... oops

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