Friday, May 29, 2009

5th week in bmt over.
what a long week.
booked in on saturday.
booked out today.

its only 9 more days to end of BMT... but i feel so worn out by my section... if not, by those can't-be-bothered ones in my section.

i totally agree with my sergeant who says that at the end of your BMT, "What have you really contributed to your platoon/section? and What have you really gained from BMT?"
even as i feel unmotivated to talk to my section, its not right for me to leave them alone, so...
i really hope that they'll do something about it, instead of procrastinating all the time.

BMT is not as tough as it seems.. just that we get punished for the attitude and lax mentality we displayed as a platoon. PES C doesn't mean you can just rot through this few weeks. Make full use of this time to find your potential.

sry, just grumbling like an old man... nid to get this off my back... super fed up with them.

and i'm gonna POC (Passing-Out-Ceremony) soon le.....
and i found out i've a tibial nerve injury... oops

Friday, May 22, 2009

feeling super distraught right now.
yep. after a phone call.
tt's it...

confidential. can't even talk bout it at all...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

it never feels good to be sick.

never ever good.

not even this time.

was running a high fever since last sunday.
went to camp and was on drip for 4 days.
arms both littered with needles scars. and the medic traumatised me by poking the needle into the wrong veins.
and i passed out also. vomiting non-stop.

disastrous week. feeling really weak.

Friday, May 15, 2009

just came back home again.
Man is selfish. The world is cruel.
i've seen loads of selfish acts during the 3weeks stay i've had.
and sigh.
this 4th wk is gonna be a camp.
i feel so screwed.
will we backstab each other?

and i've been injuring myself every now and then.
yesterday night, cut my finger with a swiss army knife... alamak.
wad will i cut tmr? haha.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

booking out feels awesome initially, but after u reach home...
it doesn't feels really cool..
it just means...
book in soon... aRGH...

sian. went beach road to buy stuff to book in with...
and as usual, clumsy and careless, i left out one item to buy...

coincidence as it might be... one of my bunk mates is actually just one storey above me, meaning to say, we stay in the same block. Was so surprised when i saw his IC... haha.

5 more weeks, couple more book outs/ins.. and no more botak le.
field camp coming soon...

and i'm looking to get myself a watch soon.. =)

Friday, May 8, 2009

juz back home...
tired, and mentally shagged..
and this sunday go back again...
