Tuesday, February 24, 2009

actually been working for a week plus already..
went to bugis last friday after work to meet up with already in NS ppl and block-test approaching ppl..

had swensens for dinner and i must say tt was the only good thing tt night...
lol.. someone in our midst actually thought tt there was a pool table near bugis and led us on an amazing search for it.. in the end, he paid for taxi which brought us to concourse where we actually realise tt the pool is actually torned down since last yr.. zz...

work has been rather enjoyable basically for the fact tt i've always too far ahead of my schedules.. so i am having a slack time of my life..
still, i cant cut out the lame and funny parts of me working cuz i am always on the verge of doing something silly...

apparently, cant share it here cuz of some compliance act... sian...
meanwhile, the results are coming soon... omg...

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