Wednesday, February 25, 2009

just another thing i learnt from working...

when u r doing ur work,

work like its ur last or u'll get fired. why? because,...
if u don't

this is ur last work...

ppl are gradually going in ns... and i'm gonna be the last one left to be gone.. argh..

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

actually been working for a week plus already..
went to bugis last friday after work to meet up with already in NS ppl and block-test approaching ppl..

had swensens for dinner and i must say tt was the only good thing tt night...
lol.. someone in our midst actually thought tt there was a pool table near bugis and led us on an amazing search for it.. in the end, he paid for taxi which brought us to concourse where we actually realise tt the pool is actually torned down since last yr.. zz...

work has been rather enjoyable basically for the fact tt i've always too far ahead of my schedules.. so i am having a slack time of my life..
still, i cant cut out the lame and funny parts of me working cuz i am always on the verge of doing something silly...

apparently, cant share it here cuz of some compliance act... sian...
meanwhile, the results are coming soon... omg...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

finally, back to working life...
been working at the RBS for part-time and i must say the working environment is still alright soo-far... it's just abit boring cuz we're still at training...

meanwhile, i've been playing football manager 2009 all day long...

ya.. my life is just sooo bored.. =0)
darn... really dunno wad to blog abt...

Monday, February 9, 2009

  1. i've quitted my work at a mega toy store... suxs... totally way off the line...its not that i'm picky, cuz i've been thru $3.50/hr, $5/hr jobs le.. and this job is just so aimless and hopeless... blow balloons, give out balloons, give flyers...though the sight of kids smiling is wonderful, sometimes even some grown-ups too.. ewww..
  2. i've got a better job at rbs $7/hr... but the agent haven call me yet.. dunno is scam or wad.. haha..
  3. i've juz completed (really?! completed?) a bike quest organised by NTU on the 7th Feb... it is a night cycling event that is actually an amazing race at night on wheels.. it actually isnt tt amazing after the night n wheels... plus a sleepy man is an angry man... i felt so grumpy having to cycle at night even though i had a can of red bull alr... Xin wei was also there with his frens.. guess he's probably the other only classmate to come n take part this kinda thing. hopefully pictures will be up soon..
meanwhile, here is some lame stuff (i'm trying to recall even as i'm typing)...

- we were super tired on the way back, so i thought of this possible solution.. which led to the popularity of the SPANNER!!!...
i said to use the spanner and separate the bike into its bits n pieces and put it in plastic bags then take train/bus back to ending point liao... when u're super tired alr, u'll laugh at even this... i have the evidence to support... all 3 team members were laughing.. alright..

-some guy from another team were leeching our way, following us... then drop something, so i asked wad he dropped n donglin said"he dropped something small" cuz the guy was searching for it for very long, so it muz be something impt... yet, i had the idea of saying something sooo soo stupid... i said..."bottle cap"...haha.. then i added, "maybe is his pokemon keychain... " -_-"'

this is my first night cycling experience and i sure did enjoyed it more than i detested it. there was the old tampines road that kept me freaked out and wanting to get out of there, even suggesting to my team to just forget about the "sand dunes" located near tampines.. but my team gave me the spirit to push on, and i wouldn't have made it without them all.. not just my team, but to others who might have helped along the way.. i was also proud that i solved a sudoku obstacle during one of the stations faster than another team who was already there before us. it sure helped to have sudoku in ur psp...

went watching The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button with my cousin
click to enlarge

chose this pic cuz of the tagline commonly used by Benjamin and his family, "You never know what's coming for you." This phrase along with many others have helped shaped his life even as he led his life counting the days.

I wouldn't say that it is a great hit, at least for me. it was in fact a dull twist n turn about brad pitt and his love. But brad pitt is really omg... no wonder they put him inside the movie...
this is one long-winded documentary-type movie not for me... i'm still waiting for the sequel to transformers...

so long.. and take care..