Monday, December 22, 2008

had interview today.
went with ivan to try out for a cashier position
there was such a long queue for that job..

went in for my interview together with 3 other ppl. here's the funny part.

these 3 ppl are waiting for O'lvl results whereas i--> A'lvl plus enlistment (made me an advantage)
No Job Experience =_="' ---> (wad shud i say?)

the interview was a very brief one..
hence, i was amused when one asked," so... this was the interview?" (he look bewildered)

no doubt i recieved the call later that i got the job. haha
then went to hougang to play ball with arthur n his frens whom i only have an impression before.

my conclusion. i dun wan play with them... super solo. or shud i say over optimistic about their shots... sian..

it had been very long since i last emo-ed on the court... no body passed the ball to me like "WTf"?
tat kind of thing i thought only happened in sec 1 2... darn it... i juz strolled along the defence.. like a transparent mirror... can't do anything at all..

and they played like last time my mistakes... keep solo-ing.n solo-ing. n solo-ing.. and stilll... solo-ing...
really felt wasted my time...
and i scored a outside foot top right hand corner from the half-way line.. but they say no COUNT!!!.. cuz they play with a bounce during kick-off...

wad else could i say... sigh.. =)

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