Sunday, December 28, 2008

this week...
played a lot of soccer..
tried to play a lot of soccer..
wanted to play a lot of soccer..
so i did play soccer..

chung cheng is a blacklist for me now... at least for me.
which secondary sch doesn't allow ex-students to come back occasionally for kick-abouts..?
darn the OM.. irritating guy who abuses his lowly authority...
"Get out, Get out, Get out... ... Get out." was what he could only say.

was glad that the group was willing to travel to another venue to play.

went to sign contract at John Little in the afternoon...

today.. i play soccer again.. after i had a sumptous buffet in yuki yaki.. but it was in quite a rush cuz the two other guys were not enjoying the meal, but more of a rushing to finish the meal.. sigh..
today was goal-frenzy for me.. kept scoring long shots like several games..
was so happy when other ppl whom i dun know showed me the "thumbs up" =) haha..
got one uncle see liao also say 'good' haha..
super shiok arh!!!...
i'm gonna get a new pair of shoes soon..
soccer shoes.. haha.

this is wad i saw at the mrt station..
"what matters is not the end of the journey
but the journey in the end"

Monday, December 22, 2008

had interview today.
went with ivan to try out for a cashier position
there was such a long queue for that job..

went in for my interview together with 3 other ppl. here's the funny part.

these 3 ppl are waiting for O'lvl results whereas i--> A'lvl plus enlistment (made me an advantage)
No Job Experience =_="' ---> (wad shud i say?)

the interview was a very brief one..
hence, i was amused when one asked," so... this was the interview?" (he look bewildered)

no doubt i recieved the call later that i got the job. haha
then went to hougang to play ball with arthur n his frens whom i only have an impression before.

my conclusion. i dun wan play with them... super solo. or shud i say over optimistic about their shots... sian..

it had been very long since i last emo-ed on the court... no body passed the ball to me like "WTf"?
tat kind of thing i thought only happened in sec 1 2... darn it... i juz strolled along the defence.. like a transparent mirror... can't do anything at all..

and they played like last time my mistakes... keep solo-ing.n solo-ing. n solo-ing.. and stilll... solo-ing...
really felt wasted my time...
and i scored a outside foot top right hand corner from the half-way line.. but they say no COUNT!!!.. cuz they play with a bounce during kick-off...

wad else could i say... sigh.. =)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

just uploaded the class graduation photos along with mr tee's retirement... some photos only cuz a lot...

Just returned from class chalet @ Sentosa. I would say it wasn't the best of chalets, but.. it deserves some compliment for the number of turn ups for the first night bbq.
Thanks only to those who helped out and made the bbq possible.
A big thanks to Josh too which helped made this chalet possible for everyone.

Will not criticise about the chalet here since classmates might read it here.
Was really surprised by some of their behaviour and attitude during the chalet.
I wasn't really impressed by it, though.

The plus-point was the surprise by Mrs Tng, who met us at Vivo for lunch after we checked-out of Sentosa. She treated all of us to the "Bei Shang Chuan" Ma La Buffet. OMG... i had to leave early cuz i had an interview which was so screwed up since i only realised that it was the same interview i had went previously after i arrived.
I owe u an apology ...--> To Nicky

And to the Pri 6 Charity class outing peeps.. i am also really sorry that i couldn't turn up for it too. Just hoped u guys enjoyed it. I was really shell-shocked when i recieved the sms.. becuz i haven heard from u all for far too long...

i'm finally freed from chalets and outings.. and my ultimate goal now is to find a job...
and i accidentally cracked my psp screen again... darn it...

i feel so lousy...
class chalet was soo...
i think some ppl might feel i'm abit over reacting.. but.. i felt really disgusted by some ppl's actions.

Thanks to his classmates too for celebrating.
I was joking when i said i wanted a RIISE JerSey.
REALLY APPRECIATED THE GREETINGS by Those who Did.. erm... maybe those who also didn't. haha..

wad a belated post...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

now already very sleepy already..
back from a four hr cage(soccer in a cage) 4HRS STRAIGHT!!
really was troublesome organising and i will not try to get myself in such trouble again :)

thks again to the guys who turn up for the game. really GOOD GAME...

class chalet is coming and i still... dunno y i feel so sian...
i am still unemployed.. and so darn POOR... (miserable..)

Monday, December 8, 2008

真的, 我沒事 - 符致逸

On and on the pain goes on
And it wouldn't just wouldn't die
恨自己 恨自己

On and on the pain lives on
It's hurting so much more
I'll be fine I'll be fine

So many cried listening to God
So many lies listening to you
天亮後 I will be fine

On and on the pain goes on
and I just don't know how to cope
最後信念 別放棄
I will be fine

So many cried listening to you
So many lies listening to you
什麼時候 I will be fine

只剩下你 只剩下你

So many cried listening to you
So many lies listening to you

什麼時候 I will be fine

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Your Mafia Name Is Dino "The Rat" Zampelli

Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.

You Are Tuesday

Like this day of the week, you are ruled by Mars.

More than anything, you are explosive.

You are headstrong and courageous. You are willing to take a risk with crazy odds.

You tend to be a bit impatient as well. You will push for what you want.

For you, it's fitting that Tuesday is election day in the United States.

You are a true catalyst for change, and you're willing to fight for what you want.

Monday, December 1, 2008

even as i type, i really can't think of what to type...

this post A lvls has been pretty rough. Finding jobs has never been easy but i just don't understand. why am i still jobless...? been at it for 2wks, almost 3.. and i still can't find.

sitting at home.. looking at ur psp, while ur psp looks back... I'm bored. Frens are gradually goin into NS and i'm still waiting for my turn. At the moment, it appears that no one is enlisted on the same day as i am... and my family aren't sending me off.. =(

Just returned from chalet. Holiday Flats.. ==> ever heard of it? it looks totally haunted XD plus the facilities were pretty much far behind time. someone said it was 30 years old already... Ever played 20cents arcade? lol.
Tmr marks the first day one of my fren begins his journey to slim down. hHahaha. and hopefully he does.. so that we can't recognise him.

Tribute to Randy : All the best, even though i might not be going to send u off haha...

i really have nothing to buzz about. Not even prom at all..
Never gonna talk about why i couldnt even go prom at all. Just pisses me off...
meanwhile... I NEED A JOB $_$!!