Friday, November 7, 2008

wow, it has already been a week since the A's started.

quick summary of the week.

1. GP screwed =)
2. Geography (rather hopeful)
3. Maths paper1 (siao liao.. and i even vomit during the exam. LOL ... )
4. Physic Paper 3 (ok-ok)
5. Chemistry Paper 3 ( erm... is it me or is it easy?) haha jokin only
6. Maths Paper 2 ( DIE ALR..)

haha.. so far so good i suppose. already 1 H2 and 2 H1 subjects cleared...
sort of slacking alreadyy haha...

Good luck for everyone else and especially those still having econs as a stumbling block next.!!
(i'm so boreeeddd)

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