Saturday, November 22, 2008

just replaced another skin that i found to be nicer.. thks to the creator of the skin.

good luck to my interview this monday.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

never knew looking for a job would be so difficult.

now i know..

Saturday, November 15, 2008

lol.. anyone reading this wants all these full collection of the Broader Perspective 2008 (good for Gp) pls tag arh... clearing it at $5 for everything... haha

Friday, November 14, 2008

darn it... super stupid and careless..
forget to save old template before changing skin..
now i lost a couple of blog links haha...
y did i even click the big red X?
Right now, there is only another mcq paper left..
yeah.. completing our two years of sentence already.

On another lighter note,
i've packing up my notes and papers to start giving/selling already.
Please leave a msg if anyone wans any notes. will try to come to a solution =)

i'm an ambitious SEMBCORP...(clearing my rubbish at home)

finally, this chapter is coming to an end....
another chapter will come soon...

Friday, November 7, 2008

wow, it has already been a week since the A's started.

quick summary of the week.

1. GP screwed =)
2. Geography (rather hopeful)
3. Maths paper1 (siao liao.. and i even vomit during the exam. LOL ... )
4. Physic Paper 3 (ok-ok)
5. Chemistry Paper 3 ( erm... is it me or is it easy?) haha jokin only
6. Maths Paper 2 ( DIE ALR..)

haha.. so far so good i suppose. already 1 H2 and 2 H1 subjects cleared...
sort of slacking alreadyy haha...

Good luck for everyone else and especially those still having econs as a stumbling block next.!!
(i'm so boreeeddd)