Monday, September 24, 2007

General Papers

it took a total of 3hrs for the whole paper. i chose a question that goes like this, "Singaporeans are not ready for the challenges facing them." To what extent do you agree?

i went va va vroom.. and i finished it within 45mins.

Intro: define.
stand- I agree to a small extent that "
Singaporeans are not ready for the challenges facing them."

Supporting View 1: Education Changes for the future
Supporting View 2: Sports Hub, Medical Hub
Supporting View 3: (can't remember)

Opposing View 1: Defence and Weaponary
Opposing View 2: China, India


then there was the toilet incident which was very funny. everyone like can't control bladder for long. so all go queue for 1 cubicle. haha.
then when mr char: " come on, i'l bring u all to the toilet over the otherside"
as the bunch on the stage followed him, (loud noise)
a lot of people left their seats and followed him.. lol.. so urgent ?

And ya, we broke the record for the longest toilet break. haha. 18minutes long. and that is only from the predicted start of the paper 2, not the start of the queue.

tmr's physics, afternoon paper. phew, can slack a bit.
not gonna let phy tutor down. but, still, i got no confidence.

and someone didn't turn up for GP today (WTF!?)
hopefully someone gets an MC or else no nid prepare promos le.

tt's abt it =)

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