Sunday, September 30, 2007

Open House Is COMING!!!.
5th October,
MJC @ Pasir Ris

tmr onwards, i be bl**dy busy till tt i can't play ball, cm, rtk, and EVEN PW...
suddenly realised the stress is back again...
tmr 8.30 meeting in sch...

u r not alone... muahahaha =)

Thursday, September 27, 2007

this is the 3rd clip.
this is the 2nd of the special from the Masked Rider Ryuki. i personally am one of the fans of these series. Enjoy.
Promos are over...

today was the last paper. Math.

really not confident at all.

studied vectors whole night but come out only on lines no planes. sigh... do you agree ?

sigh. left sch to cchms with amos and govin to play ball.

bought a ball- nike T90 pitch. YELLOW/Silver.. the color ROXs!!..

went to cchms in hope of playin.. but we were chased out as we were not ALUMNI!! (wth? )
sigh.. went to some other field to play (P.S. some groups of indians were playing cricket in the water-flooded field)
it was okay.. until it started rainy.
had lunch at the student hostel. and we saw MR LOH (principal of cchms)... drove out less than 2km just to drink coffee and eat papaya (petrol-wise? lol). me n amos talked to him about the problem facing many ppl (besides us) who want to play soccer (purely for this only).. and cannot do so because they aren't alumni. and weekdays should also be made available - to those ppl who purely enter for the sake of playin. not to threaten the danger of the students or create trouble for the sch.
well, he sounded positive in helping us and told us to write in to him.
meanwhile, i will be going back on sunday to discuss matters with da alumni chief- mr ang kwong liang...
and LOG COMM is busy le.. omfg..


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

today was physics paper. reached sch at abt 9am. to study since i didn't yesterday

study in the library until 11. was pretty successful as i thought i had cleared my doubts on Gravitational.

then the paper began at 1pm.

i did section A.
Section B
Section C

time up.

papers collected.

i looked again at the section A booklet

i forgot to do some of the MCQs.. screwed.
game over.

tmr's geog ( dead) & chem(miracle.. pls..)
sigh... when i will not be so careless le?

Monday, September 24, 2007

General Papers

it took a total of 3hrs for the whole paper. i chose a question that goes like this, "Singaporeans are not ready for the challenges facing them." To what extent do you agree?

i went va va vroom.. and i finished it within 45mins.

Intro: define.
stand- I agree to a small extent that "
Singaporeans are not ready for the challenges facing them."

Supporting View 1: Education Changes for the future
Supporting View 2: Sports Hub, Medical Hub
Supporting View 3: (can't remember)

Opposing View 1: Defence and Weaponary
Opposing View 2: China, India


then there was the toilet incident which was very funny. everyone like can't control bladder for long. so all go queue for 1 cubicle. haha.
then when mr char: " come on, i'l bring u all to the toilet over the otherside"
as the bunch on the stage followed him, (loud noise)
a lot of people left their seats and followed him.. lol.. so urgent ?

And ya, we broke the record for the longest toilet break. haha. 18minutes long. and that is only from the predicted start of the paper 2, not the start of the queue.

tmr's physics, afternoon paper. phew, can slack a bit.
not gonna let phy tutor down. but, still, i got no confidence.

and someone didn't turn up for GP today (WTF!?)
hopefully someone gets an MC or else no nid prepare promos le.

tt's abt it =)
You Should Drive a
Ford Shelby Mustang

You have an extreme need for speed, even when you're not in a hurry.
And while your flying by, you don't want to look like every other car
on the road!
You Should Rule

Close to sun, Mercury has very long days - and is rarely visible to the
rest of the solar system.
You are perfect to rule Mercury, because you live for the present - and
can truly enjoy a day that goes on forever.
Like Mercury, you are quick and elusive. Your wit is outstanding, and
you can win any verbal sparring match.
Some people see you as superficial, but in truth, you just play many
roles and have many interests.
A great manipulator, you usually get what you want from people. And
they're happy to give it to

Sunday, September 23, 2007

All these pictures says it all. Good Job Gunners. the title is a realistic target for u. KEEP IT UP!

courtesy of

Rafa Benitez rued his side's failiure to convert dominance into goals following a Saturday stalemate with Birmingham.

Tmr's Promos le...

General Paper 1: 8.00am to 9.30am
General Paper 2: 9.45am to 11.45am

here are the topics that we have learnt:
  • Youth Culture
  • Education in the 21st Century
  • Family, Marriage and Gender
  • Governance and Leadership
  • Mass Media and Censorship
  • Culture and the Arts
  • Crime and Punishment
these are the ones that i am preparing...
  • Family, Marriage and Gender
  • Governance and Leadership
  • Mass Media and Censorship
  • Crime and Punishment
hopefully i'll survive it to ensure that its 07, not 08 s210 for me...
good luck to everyone, everyone in jc and my class=07S210 (rock on!!) and the orangeess( can't wait for the end of promos... CAGE!!) =)

You Should Drive a

Sleek and sexy, style has a lot of importance in your life. And you'll
pay a lot to look

Friday, September 21, 2007

Your Superpower Should Be Super Speed

You're quick witted and fast to act.
You're mind works at warp speed. From your perspective, everyone else is living in slow motion.
You get so much done, people have accused you of not sleeping.
Definitely not a couch potato, you feel a bit crazy if you're not busy doing something.

Why you would be a good superhero: You're be the first on the scene... and likely to finish the job before anyone else shows up

Your biggest problem as a superhero: Being bored by everyone else. Including other superheroes!

You Are a Little Prejudiced

You can't help but judge people a little based on your personal biases.
But you tend to be aware of your prejudices, and you fight them the best you can.
Most people are more like you than they'd care to admit... but it doesn't mean you shouldn't change.
Remember to take each person as an individual. It's not fair to judge someone based on their background or subculture.
You Are 52% Good

You are a fairly good person. You strive to live a moral life whenever possible.
You are usually kind, generous, and loyal. However, you do have a dark side that even you may not see.
When it comes down to ethical decisions, you tend to take the path of least resistance.
So you may end up lying, cheating, or engaging in other bad behavior... because it's just easier to do so.

You are also probably: Conflicted and confused about the current course of your life

Right now you are on track to being: A slightly crooked politician

To be a better person: Break one bad habit - whether it's telling white lies or spending too much money.
There's a Chance You Could Be Violent

Overall, you're a pretty chill person - and you have a good handle on your emotions.
Sometimes your anger gets the best of you, and end up regretting how you act.
Try to curb your temper more often. It only has to get out of control once to do some damage.
Your Heart is Feeling Broken

Your heart is pretty much destroyed right now, and it's hard for you to think of anything else.
You are in deep despair, and sometimes it feels like you will never love again.
Your hear may be at its lowest point right now. Things can only get better from here.

Deep down, your heart is susceptible to: Being swept away by the wrong person

Your current outlook on love: You find yourself wondering if love is ever worth it

Your love life will improve if you: Take a lot of steps back. You're in no shape to fall in love right now.

Watch out for: Anyone who may try to take advantage of your fragile state.
You Are 56% Real

You're pretty real with people, but you can't help hiding a good part of yourself.
You're not truly happy with who you are at times... and believe it or not, it shows.
Try not to hide parts of your life from the people who matter to you.
Your friends and family are probably a lot more accepting than you realize!
Your Love Song Is

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing by Jack Johnson

"Maybe you've been through this before
But it's my first time so please ignore
The next few lines cause they're directed at you
I can't always be waiting, waiting on you
I can't always be playing, playing your fool"

You've been waiting for love, and you're not going to wait any longer!
You Are the Ace of Clubs

You go at everything in your life full force. You are a natural gambler.
Your life definitely has some extreme highs and lows, but you know how to ride out the low times.

A total adventure seeker, you are never satisfied by what's normal or ordinary.
You like to push limits and shock people. You're dramatic, but a drama king.

Your life has been a wild ride so far. You have stories that people can barely believe.
And you're probably still young... with a lot of wild rides in front of you.

A gamble you should take: High stakes roulette

Your friends would describe you as: Crazy

Your enemies would describe you as: Demented

If you lived in Vegas, you would be: A high roller
You Sometimes Don't Get Enough Sleep

You're often more tired than you'd like, and you're probably not getting enough quality sleep.
Sleeping a little more could make you a lot more energetic and happy.
Try having a bedtime, keep your bedroom cool, and only eat fruit before bed.
You Are 48% Slacker

You are a bit of a slacker - though you can pull it together and live a somewhat normal life.
If you're young, this is probably phase you'll outgrow. And if you're already grown up, you need to get off the couch a bit more!
You Should Learn Japanese

You're cutting edge, and you are ready to delve into wacky Japanese culture.
From Engrish to eating contests, you're born to be a crazy gaijin. Saiko!
You Are 32% Emo

You're definitely not emo, but you do understand emo people a little. You are introspective, but not to the point of driving yourself crazy.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

today was a pretty long day. except for P.E where i played soccer with zahir. really sucked.. off form.. lost two games in a row. sigh..

my leg is getting more and more pain. dunno wad's wrong with it also. walked out of lecture hall then the pain just struck me.

omfg.. i still can't believe i scored a curling shot to the top corner.. (wooo)
but if only i could do that on the real court, not the miniature one.

Promos is just giving me the runaround.. stress is not the reason, it is just an excuse to slack.

tired i am, study i must. all for the sake of next year. my future. A levels.
life suxs.

Monday, September 17, 2007

phew. today was so unlucky. left sch early to go home early to rest... then i took the train n overslept. i found myself in
Tanjong Pagar. Omg.. sigh..

had consultation with ms pang to clear out my doubts for GP. hopefully i'll pass my GP.
cuz essays i wrote in class often can make it.. so hopefully ba, with some preparations that i'll be making on thursday and friday.

really very tired.
too tired to even narrate today's happenings.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

less than a week to promos and i'm still feeling unprepared.. oh dear.

stayed up to clear some of the work undone.
here's what i've cleared from 10pm to now.
  1. Chem Revision Package for Promos
  2. Geog Litho Mod 1 (all), Mod 2 (Chpt 1)
  3. Differentiation Techniques tutorial 1-4
  4. A bit of Physics Oscillation Revision Package for promos
just hope that all that bit counts into my effort for promos.
sigh.. editing a little bit of the WR before i go for a nap and get ready for sch

life is just so restrained. Because of society, we are who we are.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

liverpool drew blanks against the pompeys. what a waste!! now arsenal is gunning for the top. and true, i think we can't write arsenal off..

boring life.

this is the class photo taken earlier with the teddy bears. it was such a success after the idea of the teddy bears was carried out. phew, i almost cancelled the idea then. sigh.. i guess no one or not everyone will appreciate that.


Friday, September 14, 2007


The theory of " tyco needs skill, skill needs tyco, so in conclusion, u r skilled"

when one person does something, be it a sport or work, do you ever think about this? how does he/she do it so well? why?

well, i have come up with a theory for that. Tyco also means luck.
by applying my theory in sports like soccer, when a striker scores, it is because he got skill. however, its is sweeping to say that he got 100% skill. in fact, tyco plays a part in the process of scoring of the goal. thus, we can assume that tyco is inter-dependent on skill, and vice-versa. the theory also applies to other positions, like a goalkeeper saving a shot. he has to have some skill in order to even move to save the ball. however, it is also luck which is involved in making sure that he saves that shot.

hence, i hope to spread this theory to many more people so that they will understand, when ppl criticise you that " hei, that was lucky", u should understand that -tyco needs skill, skill needs tyco, so in conclusion u r skilled. this is exceptionally useful for ppl who are very particular about comments. TT's me.

so enjoy:) TYCO/ SKILL

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Monday, September 10, 2007


i feel like i am in jail. i am being watched. being watched by three voodoos. who think too much into suggestions that i might have a scandal?
oh my, pls la.. for 4 years le, wad kinda of a person am i? i am just some idiot who sticks his two legs out at the soccer court, pitting skills against others, leading such a life is the kind of person i am.

well, there is still scandal- which is confirmed le. but its not me. ( me ain't got any scandals).
so hopefully, those 3 voodoos will shut up for now.. Thanks in advance. ( i can't afford to go crazy at the moment, promos la!!)

Sunday, September 9, 2007

went to airport to study with duck, penguin, pork, and chick..well, i wasn't really in the study mood.. so went there disturb le randy and company.. feel very bad lor..
anyway, here's to duck and the rest of those at the airport. there is really nth going on. so pls dun get the wrong idea. duck, i already told ya i got a lot of problems at hand le.. tt's y tt day i wasn't really myself. pls understand that i am different, i have tons of problems piling up and i'm gonna crack soon if u guys keep on pestering . Hope you all will understand.

meanwhile, i goped le picture from duck's blog (paiseh)
sigh.. caught slacking.
well, jus got my com repaired so no more CM le.. sian.. played so much until 2015 then reboot com
wadeva, gtg go do some work le.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

it was a pretty boring morning. felt a bit feverish so didn't go sch study with weichong and company. anyway, didn't feel like also. see the 2 of them.. envy..

searched youtube for shows that i seen before. then i came across this HK serial drama-
this show has been going on for very long, 3 seasons le.. and i must say, i am an avid fan of this drama.
its very touching, with the forever going on love life of the procastinators cuz their loved ones are vampires. the twist and turns of the plot also captivates. well, i tried to search for the episodes, but i only found a nice MV

"Don't Write Me Off" by Hugh Grant
-Lyrics from

It’s never been easy for me
To find words to go along, with a melody
But this time there’s actually something, on my mind
So please forgive these few brief awkward lines

Since I’ve met you, my whole life has changed
It’s not just my furniture, you’ve rearranged
I was living in the past, but somehow you’ve brought me back
And I haven’t felt like this since before Frankie said relax

And while I know, based on my track record
I might not seem like the safest bet
All I’m asking you, is don’t write me off, just yet

For years I’ve been telling myself, the same old story
That I’m happy to live off my so called, former glories
But you’ve given me a reason, to take another chance
Now I need you, despite the fact, that you’ve killed all my plants

And though I know, I’ve already blown more chances
Than anyone should ever get
All I’m asking you, is don’t write me off, just yet
Don’t write me off just yet