Monday, June 25, 2007

sigh, supposed to be studying this morning, but didn't felt like it, and worse, i hadn't had my brunch yet..

saw my previous post, saw the players in my team.. then felt like elaborating on one guy... PAUL ANDERSON...
if you read this, please believe it.. cuz i dun noe where this guy is now.. but he could just provide the spark for ENGLAND...

he will be only 22 in 2011, which means he will be 19 this yr.. and then i searched the net to realise that liverpool have already snapped him up.. HAHA.. watch out Premiership, because he will be there to own Man utd, chelsea, arsenal, and blah blah..

finally, i'm off to munch my brunch, and start to study.. tmr's last day of my exams..

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