Sunday, January 24, 2010

2months plus since last blogged.
anyway, havent got much to blog about since i'm pretty much stuck in NS...
duty duty, duty, duty,..

still duty!!!...

well... still got 1 yr 3months left....
and i'm going for blood test on 3rd day of CNY... wad luck..
and i lost my name tag for my uniform.
and i'm freaking bored...

so sian...
and today kena scolded after duty for no reason. and i mean it.. totally off track, make no sense why i got scolded...
does it mean that some ppl are hot tempered means we should let them scold or shout at u for no cause?
darn.. screw my morning...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

very long while since i last blogged. i have successfully revocated to somewhere better.
in the meanwhile, this whole while, life sucks most of the time. why?

- missed a step of the bus when alighting and literally slipped off the bus and got a bruise
- placed my phone in the washing machine and "washed" it
- lost my camp pass for one week only to realise it was in my bag all along.
- tripping and falling on my safety boots(ironic)

and i'm really bored. my number's changed btw.. facebook mafia wars, barn buddy.. sigh

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

6 days in the hospital

it all started off on two Thursdays ago. i felt numbness on the right side of my body while standing during parade in the m0rning. i didn't felt it warranted a checkup and ignored the signals from my body.

On last Monday, the same thing happened to me. i decided that i should inform my superiors and i was advised to report sick about this issue. On Tuesday, i reported sick again. i was taken lightly and case was closed. Wednesday, nothing happened. Thursday, i collapsed during parade in the morning after i couldn't feel my right side of the body. My right eye kept flinching. it took me about 15 mins before i felt myself. Paramedics arrived. I was rushed to the medical center n before i knew it, i was referred to A & E.

in the hospital, i was initially admitted into the ASU also known as Acute Stroke Unit. i probably broke their records being the youngest to admit. subsequently, lots of tests were run on me and i was kept under observation, like a lab rat, i guess. haha.

tests i took include the CT scan, MRI scan, X-ray, heart scan, ultrasound, and i wore a apparatus that monitored my heart rate for a day.

staying inside the hospital certainly brought me to an eye-opener, with all sorts of people. at one juncture, i thought to myself, looking at the old people around me... "what will happen to me once i grow old like them?" "Left here by myself?, ". one tends to lets their thoughts run wild when they are alone, real bored.

everyday, even though i may not show it, but i was longing for visits from my peers, parents and good friends. no matter whom it may be, i wanted a companion to talk to, to feel at ease..
well, here's a thanks and much more gratitude to those who have visited or helped me one way or another along this way. Big Thanks.

yup, i do appreciate life better now. but my leg's still numb.
and the conclusion drawn from my nearly-one-week stay is that -->
there is no conclusion yet about my problem. still have pending visits to the neurologists and orthopedician later on..

Thanks to those who cared, because i care. =D

Saturday, September 12, 2009

its been really a while since last blogged.

so far weeks have passed since i'm in the navy.

but i'm really unhappy inside. i dont feel like i belong inside the place. the people there think differently, act differently.. sometimes i just feel like disappearing.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

haven't blog in quite a while..

9th august. national day. was at the floating platform.. but didnt get to the marching contingent in the end. was really upset.. but oh wells.. life's always like this..

now the lessons in camp are getting more n more packed.. soon i'll be bringing notes home to mug.. lol

and i just passed my swimming on sat.. yay.. now one more test and i can book out on wed n fridays