Friday, August 29, 2008

The Kallang Roar: 7/10
i guess the rating will probably vary. Those who know a bit or a lot about soccer. The characters inside the plot have very strong personalities. And indeed, i felt like it was in the 70s then.
it is a dare feat to try doing this movie, cuz not everyone will associate with soccer. But it really is very nice and i would say my favourite character is Dollah (Anwar.. LOL.) he's probably the only one whos easy and relaxed. Haha.. tt's the balance for the team, i guess. And Uncle Choo.. perhaps my second favourite. Wah lao.. look at him shout u would think he came from the army platoon... siao..

i probably didnt regret watching this show.. haha...
but i will regret if i stay on n type further. STUDY LIAO ARH.. =)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

the teachers probably wont see these.. but
Happy Teachers' Day!
Mr Tee, Mr Chong, Ms Koh, Mrs Seng, Mr Chen, Ms Pang, Mrs Tng, Mr Alvin Tan @ MJC

Ms Lai, Mr Lam, Mr Soon, Mr So, Ms Wan, Mrs Hsu, Mr Gan, Mrs Goh, Huang Laoshi @ CCHMS

dun think i'll be going CCHMS or MJC tmr. Yup. wont be thinking about it. Wont be going. LOL.

Just pray that my blessings get to them... =)

I've gotten my 1st 20cents.
Same reaction as Arnold.. who got the 20 cents earlier.
And yup.. cant help wondering if these 20 cents are a motivation to bloggers?.. haha. Monetary incentives.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

not the hand pls..
The Pen there... So colourful
Bet u wouldn't know who uses it!

MRT ~ Guess it? haha... :)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

when u are asked to write an essay, u always dont feel like writing.
student: "cher, tired la.. write very troublesome."
cher: "Type La..."
student: "type also lazy.."
but why do u blog? AREN't U TYPING ALSO.!!

guess i'm suffering from boredom. Boredom is just as important as Hunger.
U can never neglect Boredom.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

LOL.. i miss playing soccer with 4BN...
LIFE in JC sucks.

especially when u r in a totally different frequency from ur classmates. Yes. ALL OF THEM.
they seriously dont understand me.

kenneth, yz, and etc... sigh...
and just when i can't kick a ball at all...

wah sian... and there's a bunch of monkeys kicking ball downstairs..
4BN play ball again. P(my current class play ball) = X, .00000001>X>0
those were the only times when i wont be accused of being selfish.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Mummy 3: 6/10
i think the movie has a lot of stars in it.. but it really is far from an action-PACKED movie. especially the Zi Yuan character in the movie.. cannot make it with the chinese accent. so disappointing.
and the fight between Jet Li and the Connells are too boring. Very much predictable plot and everything goes.
The irony lies in Jet Li. Being able to be immortal is way too powerful. But he gets killed in the utmost unbelievable simplest way. So uncharacteristic for someone who can command the five elements... killed by a dagger.. LOL>.<
and those soldiers arent really mummies. THEY are CLAY DOLLS...
Wad was the Yak in the movie for? and it vomitted on the plane... LOL

had consultation in sch after National Day celebration (Or movie appreciation with GP tutors.) reached sch at 10.30am. ppl look surprised while i entered sch and they left sch.
felt that it was an effective session cuz i did my checking on the IVLE before the consultation.
Reduces the chances of asking silly questions.

prom is such a taboo in class... never knew some girls in class actually not very "girl" (some one said so..) and erm ya...
maybe i shud have taken H1 econs then.. NO PROCRASTINATING... (this is for myself)

and thks nicky. For not asking me out for soccer. Not sacarsm.. But sincerely thank you. Really glad so. but dont tell me you not asking me for soccer.. haha. just joking. =)

Glad to blog again for once in quite a while.

Friday, August 1, 2008

gravitation, waves, superposition

decided to do something that can help myself and keep the blog alive.. haha
to upload my summary-ss.. Or Cheatlists.. (tutors call them these)

feeling much better.
thks a lot to those who bothered..:)
and maybe those who knew and didnt bothered.. haha.. kidding..
phew.. my fever got down to normal.. a 36.9 degree the last time i took my temp...

back to work.. cuz the engine's back running!!.. LOL